Dena Taylor

When A Woman Tells the Truth: Writings and creative work by women over 80

Books Written by Dena Taylor

Exclamation Points: Collected Poems

Tell Me the Number before Infinity:
The Story of a Girl with a Quirky Mind, an Eccentric Family, and Oh Yes, a Disability
with Becky Taylor

Red Flower: Rethinking Menstruation

Anthologies edited by Dena Taylor

Feminist Parenting: Struggles, Triumphs, & Comic Interludes

Women of The 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause
with Amber Coverdale Sumrall

Sexual Harassment: Women Speak Out
with Amber Coverdale Sumrall

Disabled Mothers:
Stories and Scholarship by and about Mothers wih Disabilities
with Gloria Filax

The Time of Our Lives: Women Write on Sex After 40
with Amber Coverdale Sumrall

Published by Dena Taylor

Murawina: An Authentic Aboriginal Message


Sexual Harassment: Women Speak Out

Edited with Amber Coverdale Sumrall
cover image
For countless numbers of women, the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings opened the gates of denial, & long-repressed memories came tumbling out. In this anthology of women s sexual harassment stories, women write not only of their experiences but also of how they responded to them. Some went into extreme depression or experienced physical symptoms; some fought back; some denied the harassment was happening, wanting to believe it was unintentional or something they themselves provoked. Some found humorous & creative ways of dealing with the harasser. This book contains a resource section.

This book is available from Dena Taylor


Dena Taylor, MSW, Rutgers University, is retired from careers in social work and education.