Dena Taylor

When A Woman Tells the Truth: Writings and creative work by women over 80

Books Written by Dena Taylor

Exclamation Points: Collected Poems

Tell Me the Number before Infinity:
The Story of a Girl with a Quirky Mind, an Eccentric Family, and Oh Yes, a Disability
with Becky Taylor

Red Flower: Rethinking Menstruation

Anthologies edited by Dena Taylor

Feminist Parenting: Struggles, Triumphs, & Comic Interludes

Women of The 14th Moon: Writings on Menopause
with Amber Coverdale Sumrall

Sexual Harassment: Women Speak Out
with Amber Coverdale Sumrall

Disabled Mothers:
Stories and Scholarship by and about Mothers wih Disabilities
with Gloria Filax

The Time of Our Lives: Women Write on Sex After 40
with Amber Coverdale Sumrall

Published by Dena Taylor

Murawina: An Authentic Aboriginal Message


Feminist Parenting: Struggles, Triumphs, & Comic Interludes

 book cover

From Library Journal


This collection of essays, stories, and poetry edited by [Dena] Taylor (Women of the 14th Moon, LJ 10/1/91) includes 61 contributions from feminists sharing their parenting experiences. Unlike Carmichael's Non-Sexist Childraising (1977), this is not so much a how-to book as a collection of short reports from the home front detailing successes-and some failures-in the struggle to raise children free of sexism, racism, and homophobia. In an apt summary for the whole collection, Rosalind Warren writes, "It's not easy teaching a handsome little middle-class white boy to think like a feminist-everybody else is telling him that the world is his oyster; meanwhile we're telling him he has to share." Other noteworthy contributors include Anna Quindlen, Audre Lorde, and Ms. magazine's Robin Morgan. While this book will have to search for an audience of parents who actually have time to read, it is recommended for public libraries.


This book is available from Dena Taylor


Dena Taylor, MSW, Rutgers University, is retired from careers in social work and education.